Monday, September 18, 2006

RefrigerationED Teacher Network

Recently Les Tasker and i ran a networked learning PD workshop showing Refrigeration Trades Teachers how to start networking and sharing resources using,,, and htpp:// as well as using video in the workshop. Check out

However it seemed using video with students in the workshop for formative assessment and resources most struck a cord with the group. Here's an interview with Glen Campbell an innovative teacher on using Video and new technologies in the classroom

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After some planning and scripting the team went through the process of creating video resources and and uploading to Here's an example from Bruce.
is great in that when uploading the video you can cross post to other common Web 2.0 tools for your Network. For example in one hit you can post the video to, post a link in, a photo of the video in flickr and a blog post for context. I've only just come across through the TALO google group and will be using it as a key tool in professional development from now on. Cross posting saves time and will alleviate the frustration many networked learning PD participants of having to jump between Web 2.0 accounts to post information to the network. Yes rocks thanks Leigh for putting me onto it...

Check out and how he has translated his networked PD into successfull learning outcomes for his students, in the space of two weeks!

' own knowledge and experience is limited to 41years, and the wealth of knowledge/experience/eyes/ears/humour that is out there is unlimited.'
Glen Campbell

I like the way Glen has imaginatively started to translate what he learnt to the curriculum for example using dfilm to link to a learning outcome, and most ahem coolly ;-) get his refrigeration students successfully using video to learn. Yes Glen Campbell rocks!

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