Saturday, November 19, 2005

teacherSmart Nov Workshop and Network Learning Model

Well the past week has been very busy running the teacherSmart November workshop drafting a network learning funding submission for the Illawarra Institute and meeting with managment to discuss plans for professional development and the pros and cons of blogging, plus lots of other jobs.

There was excitment and enthusiasm from the teachers about implementing web 2.0 technologies such as blogger, delicious, flickr etc. The general concensus being I CAN USE THIS!

Not sure what I am saying from some expressions ;-)

Gabrielle from professional development sets up her first blog.


Check out Joanna's photos of workshop

We are looking to implement these web 2.0 technologies as part of a network learning model that focuses on the ongoing tracking, sharing and promulgating of teacher outcomes AFTER they do teacherSmart professional development and network/ learn from each other. The project teacherSmartConnect will use network learning technologies and practices (eg. Flickr Utilising Blogs, social software and RSS). The Network learning approach will enable the transfer of knowledge, skills and information between teachers, management and policy setters throughout the organisation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Steven,

Great to hear you got Teacher Connect up.

What can I add to your project ? Where can I add it ? How can I contribute within my CLI brief ? Can you email me and request a meeting with you and I'll zoom down and see you ASAP !!!

Cheers mate.